By: Jordan T.

So you want to redesign your room, huh? Well, here are seven easy steps on how to do just that. Let’s jump right in!  

Step 1: It’s All About Pinterest

When you’re redesigning your room, Pinterest will be your absolute best friend! If you’re looking for a certain aesthetic, simply look it up on Pinterest. Pinterest will give you a clear vision of what you want or show you what styles you might like. It will also help you see if you want to get anything to add to your room. This will help with the second step.

Step 2: Put it in Your Cart

When you look on Pinterest, make sure that you are looking at things that match the dimensions of your room. If you see some shelves, go ahead and log on to Amazon, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, or any consumer site that works for you and start building a wishlist! You can easily purchase the product or products that you are interested in for your room. 

Step 3: Where Do You Want It?

Now it’s time to decide where things go. Pinterest can help with this step too or you can draw your ideal layout on paper. Maybe you want your bed in a corner or maybe you want it in the middle of a wall in your room. Make sure you have an idea of where you want your furniture to go when you are picking new things. This will make putting it all together so much simpler later. 

Step 4: Getting Started

Now that you have your inspiration, look at the things you have in your room and get busy organizing. Anything that might cause problems later, you will want to either move or remove. For example, you can move your bed or dresser to the middle of your room so it can be easy to move to a different place later. 

Maybe you have a mirror, a computer, or a Playstation that needs to be relocated, you can move these items to where you have already planned to put them. 

Make sure you move any small piece to your bed or outside your room while decorating. This helps you to keep from stopping when you are doing your big redesign. Remember, you can always move whatever you took out and put it back at some other time. 

Step 5: Move it!

If you haven’t already moved your furniture to where you want it, go ahead and do that. This will help with the sixth step.

Step 6: DECORATE!!!

Once you’ve moved your furniture, put all the other things you’ve moved, such as the examples I provided earlier, to their appropriate places. This will give you a chance to decorate, clean, and reorganize your room. 

Step 7: Enjoy!  

Finally, you are at your last step! Your last step is to simply enjoy your room. You’ve worked hard! Spend some time marveling at what you’ve accomplished.

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