By: Jordan T. 

Sometimes young people worldwide have difficulty with motivating themselves. They lack knowing the necessary skills to push forward and do something. I think this is a problem that needs to be dealt with effectively. 

People often attempt to motivate others. They do this by working towards helping the less motivated to develop their skills, however, it is not always received well.

In other cases, people try to become self-motivated and productive, yet they fail early on. I think this may cause them to not feel confident. 

This article will provide ready tips that can help the person who lacks motivation both now and in the future.

  1. Do something you don’t want to do every day.

I think a great way to push yourself is to do something you don’t feel like doing every day. This could be something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning or working out when you don’t feel like it. Doing this contributes to forming a habit. 

Remember: Engaging in a practiced habit leads to developing a routine. Living out a routine impacts one’s life and leads to a lifestyle change.

  1. Set goals on an ongoing basis.

Almost everyone makes goals, but sometimes people don't try to achieve their goals seriously. They treat their goals like something that is just there for show but not to actually do. In addition, many people set goals, but once they achieve them, they do not set new ones. 

In order to build motivational skills, goals should be set on an ongoing basis. This could be saying that you’re going to write for one hour and then follow through. A good way to practice goal setting is to set seasonal goals. Every season, create a new set of goals and do your best to achieve them. When you continue to set goals frequently and follow through, you will see your motivational skills and self-discipline rise dramatically. 

Remember: Short term goals can lead to long term objectives being met.

  1. Invest in a planner.

A good way to build your motivational skills is to plan. Planning skills can help with organization, mindfulness, and visualization. Investing in a planner, something that you can physically handle and use, can support steps toward self-motivation. 

I think having a mental idea of what you are going to do in a day is fine, but it is often difficult to remember everything. When you have a planner that you can carry around with you, you can see everything on your to-do list. 

When using a physical tracing system, most likely, you will remember your objectives. The best part about this is that it is convenient. 

Remember: Planners are available via digital apps on your electronic device or you can also buy a physical planner that you can write and draw in.

  1. Give yourself limits.

Drive is associated with having the motivation to keep going, however, sometimes you need to stop and give yourself a break. When developing motivation and self-discipline, you need to know when to stop or when to keep going. 

It is good to give yourself blocks of time when you do a certain thing and to not overwork yourself. Maybe set limits on your screen time and try giving yourself time to just sit back and do something you haven’t done in a while. 

Changing things up can also build your motivation. 

Remember: Motivation and drive are important, but so is rest.

  1. Stay positive.

A big part of all of these tips related to motivation is to stay positive. Positivity helps to build motivation, planning, and self-discipline. Enter every situation with an, “I can” attitude. I think staying positive will help you to keep going with your goals and motivation. 

Remember: Being positive can change you in many ways.

  Learning how to become better motivated can help to create better self-discipline.  I think building motivation and self-discipline will help you to come off as more mature and this ultimately leads to gaining independence. 

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