By Emily B.
Dogs can be cute, friendly, and smart, but they can also just be plain crazy or even embarrassing. Many Girl scouts have experienced a dog being at its craziest. But for all those dogs that we laugh our heads off about, remember, we’re not laughing at you… We’re laughing with you.
My sister and I (Alli a Senior in in troop 3348 and me a Cadette in troop 29337) had an old golden retriever named Cara. Boy was she rambunctious! Our neighbor came to visit that day. Usually when someone knocks at our door Cara just jumps at it. Not this time. Cara had a running start and jumped straight through the glass window in the door! Cara recovered very easily only to find that the door was now bullet proof!
Courtney Philips (a Cadette in troop 29334) is a dog lover. Her dog, Kendall, is a cat hater. She took her dog on a walk because she wanted to say hi to her friend down the street. When her friend opened the door to let her in. Kendall spotted the cat. The cat was running and Kendall was chasing her all around the house. The cat ran outside onto their unfinished porch. The cat was backing up very slowly and Kendall was walking toward her. The cat backed up so far that she fell straight off the porch, but then jumped up in barely half a second only to climb up a tree.
Savannah Moyer (senior in troop 27343) has a dog named Cody. Most of the times he acts like a scaredy cat. Cody has a list of many things that he’s afraid of. One of the things at the top of the list is a cat. When Savannah went to her friend’s house to say hi she brought Cody along. When Cody saw their cat, he pulled the leash to run away so hard that Savana had to let go. They searched everywhere that day, all day, to find Cody. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The mom had said that she would go get her car to drive around town to look for him. When she opened the garage door Cody was sitting there waiting patiently for them to come home.
My sister and I have a yellow Lab mix named Sunny. Her squirrel chasing is out of control. One winter we had a family of squirrels living in our attic. They were coming into the house by going through the drain pipes. We put a trash bag to capture the squirrels on the end of the pipe. Sunny saw movement in the bags and knew that she wanted what was inside. She got the squirrel in her mouth and scared it to death (we think because there were no marks on the squirrel). She went into our basement and hid the squirrel in our couch right as my dad walked in. He saw what she hid in the couch and was more grossed out than I was when my friend ate a mayonnaise pack. In the end the squirrels left our house and Sunny was glad she made “One small nibble for dogs, one giant bite for dog kind.”
Dogs are cute. Dogs are smart, but we all know that Dogs can be plain out crazy.
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