By: Mimi M.

Dear Diary,
Well, the flight went well. I'm at the airport in Sydney, Australia. I can see why mom and dad moved here but I still do not understand why they left me.  Anyway, it is SUPER pretty here.
Well, time to start my search. According to the World Globe, they should be on Old Hall Lane. I must now figure out where exactly on Old Hall Lane.
As it turns out, Old Hall Lane is super big. I spent the whole day looking, and I only covered about half of the neighborhood. I did find a place to sleep though. If you count sleeping on someone's roof a suitable location, that is.       Anyway, roof or dumpster, I have to get some rest. And the roof was tad bit cleaner than a Dumpster. So, dreams, here I come!
            Time to take on the rest of Old Hall Lane! After I find food, that is. Maybe I can grab some food from a passing drone delivering pizza to someone.
The search continues after a breakfast of pizza with anchovies.
I FOUND THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or, at least I found, my mom. When I rang the doorbell and asked who she was (Yes, I'm doing this the old fashioned way and ringing people's doorbells), she said her name. It was my mom!!! Now, she doesn't know who I am yet, but I am going to talk to her. I have to find a way to get to talk to her, I will. I think honesty will work best. I'll just ask her if she had a daughter named Riley Johnson, and then tell her that I'm her daughter. But sleep is calling me.
Right now, its time for a bit more rest.
So, that chat went super well. She is my mother, but I don't have a father anymore. When she realized that I was her daughter, she told me the story of my father, and why she couldn't take care of me.
"Your father was a kind and brave man. When you were born, he loved you very much. We were a happy family until the fire. On the night of the fire it was a nice, warm fall evening.  We had just put you to bed when the blaze began.
It was a horrible, big, raging fire that turned the entire house in a wall of flames. I grabbed you and ran and while your father ran to get the fire extinguisher. I warned him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He kept yelling to get you of danger and that he would follow. I wanted to go stop him, but I couldn't risk your life.
I ran outside and waited, but he never came.  He was gone. I couldn't handle the grief, and gave you to my sister, Sally and her husband. They were to take care of you for a while so I could get a full time job and get us a house. I missed you so much.”
“Please, will you stay here with me?” she asked. Of course, I said yes, so Dear Diary, I am writing this from my new room in Australia.  At last, I am home.


Riley Johnson

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