By: Zora F.

A vision board is lay out of photos that helps you focus on specific life goal. Vision boards can be activities for a group of friends, school project, plan for life dreams, or it can be whatever you want it to be. Your vision boards can come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. To get your inspiration look through some of your favorite magazines. Some of my favorite magazines are Seventeen, Marie Claire, The Oprah Magazine, Teen Vogue, National Geographic, and Rolling Stone.

To get started here's what you need:
  • Cork board or poster board
  • Tacks glue or tape
  • Magazines (old)
  • Scissor

Let's get started
  1. Lay your board on a flat surface.
  2. Choose the photos you want (things that inspire you).
  3. Cut the photos out.
  4. Lay the photos out on your board where you think they should go.
  5. Either use a tack tape or glue them to the board.
  6. Hang your board up in a spot you like then admire it.

Tips (How to perfect your vision board)
  • You can divide your board into different topics.
  • Choose a colored poster board.
  • Use a bulletin or chalkboard.
  • Look for things that interest you like Dreams, careers, health, your vision board can even be your bucket list!
  • Use sticky notes or index cards to write quotes.
  • You can put your topic in the middle so you can focus.
  • Your vision board can be a diagram of some sort.

In conclusion, your vision board is whatever you want it to be. Your vision board can be where you see yourself in five years, your dreams, college ideas, careers, etc. Have fun doing it!

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